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HomeAcademic staffDr Alex Prior
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I work as a Lecturer in Politics (with International Relations). I joined LSBU in 2021, having previously lectured at the University of East Anglia and working with the Inter-Parliamentary Union as a research consultant.

I studied at the University of Leicester and the University of York, studying Soviet Russia and the early Abolitionist movement in the UK.

I have published several articles on parliaments and legislatures, and the way in which citizens relate to these institutions. Alongside this, I research narratives and the process of storytelling, and how this can help in understanding (and strengthening) public engagement.

More recently, I have explored the physical and symbolic functions of parliaments and legislatures as built environments (this is the focus of an upcoming book chapter, to be published by UCL press).

I work extensively with international organisations and NGOs, helping to research and produce reports on public perceptions, institutional change, and parliaments worldwide. Most recently, I have worked with the Inter-Parliamentary Union and UN Development Programme, on the third Global Parliamentary Report (focusing on public engagement with the work of parliaments).

FunderYear wonProjectRole
Common Wealth Parliamentary Association2024Commonwealth Parliamentary Association - Parliamentary Academic FellowshipPrincipal Investigator

Global Challenges and Opportunities for Parliamentary Public Engagement during the Covid-19 Crisis
Prior, A. and Kornberg, M. (2021). Global Challenges and Opportunities for Parliamentary Public Engagement during the Covid-19 Crisis. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen. 52 (4).

Parliamentary storytelling: a new concept in public engagement with parliaments
Prior, A. and Leston-Bandeira, C. (2020). Parliamentary storytelling: a new concept in public engagement with parliaments. The Journal of Legislative Studies.

Getting the Story Right: A Constructivist Interpretation of Storytelling in the Context of UK Parliamentary Engagement
Prior, A. (2018). Getting the Story Right: A Constructivist Interpretation of Storytelling in the Context of UK Parliamentary Engagement. Politics and Governance. 6 (4).

Public engagement in the work of parliament
Prior, A. and Inter-Parliamentary Union (2022). Public engagement in the work of parliament. Geneva, Switzerland Inter-Parliamentary Union.

Keir Starmer’s chance to sparkle: Labour leader finally puts his working class credentials to work for him
Eroukhmanoff, C. and Prior, A. (2023). Keir Starmer’s chance to sparkle: Labour leader finally puts his working class credentials to work for him. The Conversation The Conversation.

Political leaders need a grand narrative – Rishi Sunak’s is a story of decline
Eroukhmanoff, C. and Prior, A. (2023). Political leaders need a grand narrative – Rishi Sunak’s is a story of decline. The Conversation.

Kornberg, M. and Prior, A. (2023). Conclusion. The Journal of Legislative Studies. 29 (3), pp. 482-848.

Our future in space: The physical and virtual opening-up of parliaments to publics
Prior, A. and Sivashankar, M. (2023). Our future in space: The physical and virtual opening-up of parliaments to publics. The Journal of Legislative Studies. 29 (3), pp. 463-481.

Public Engagement in the Welsh Parliament
Prior, A. and Stirbu, D. (2023). Public Engagement in the Welsh Parliament. International Journal of Parliamentary Studies. 3 (1), pp. 63-93.

'TaxTrack': Introducing a Democratic Innovation for Taxation
Prior, A., Gagnon, J.P., Emiljanowicz, P., Parry, L.J., Zeka, B., Vlahos, N., Tan-Kantor, A., Bua, A. and Hawkins, J. (2022). 'TaxTrack': Introducing a Democratic Innovation for Taxation. Australasian Parliamentary Review. 32 (2), pp. 93-116.