Academic staff

Dr Vy Tran

Dr Vy Tran

Finance, Economics, Accounting and Analytics

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I am a Lecturer in Accounting at LSBU Business School.

I graduated from Bangor University with an MSc degree in Accounting and Banking (Distinction) (2016) and a PhD degree in Accounting and Finance (2021).

I have broad teaching experience in the areas of Accounting, Finance and Research Methods.

I am willing to supervise strong applicants at PhD level in the following research areas: Corporate Finance, including traditional and non-traditional equity issuance; Financial and non-financial Corporate Disclosure; International Accounting and Corporate Social Responsibility. I will also consider proposals on related topics on a case-by-case basis.

I am interested in financial accounting and financial markets. My current research specialises in the areas of disclosure and financial reporting quality, initial equity offerings, regulations of financial markets and machine-learning textual analysis. My future research will focus on financial reporting quality, share price reaction and corporate social responsibility from the perspectives of both developed and emerging markets.

Courses taught

Accounting and Finance - BA (Hons)

Business Management (Accounting pathway) - BA (Hons)

Accounting and Finance 2022/23 - CertHe

International Business Management (with internship) - MSc

International Business Management - MSc

International Accounting and Finance - MSc

International Accounting and Finance (with internship) - MSc

Postgraduate Research Supervision
Mr Hamza MahmoodDoctoral Research ProjectPhD
Hamza MahmoodPhD
FPT University
Visiting professor

Accounting and Finance modules (teaching and developing new materials)

Dissertation supervision

The British Academy

Research support officer on the project "Financial Reporting Quality of SPAC Targets vis-à-vis IPO Issuers"

June 2019
Vietnam Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering - Ministry of Science and Technology

Ad hoc reviewer

July 2022

Filter publications

Do SEC reviews address earnings quality at IPO?
Tran, V., Hemmings, D. and Jaafar, A. (2021). Do SEC reviews address earnings quality at IPO? Bangor Brown Bag. Bangor University, UK 03 - 03 Nov 2021 Bangor University.

De-burdening the IPO approval process: SEC reviews under the JOBS Act
Tran, V. N. K., Hemmings, D. and Jaafar, A. (2020). De-burdening the IPO approval process: SEC reviews under the JOBS Act. American Accounting Association (AAA) Annual Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 09 - 12 Aug 2020

The effects of IPO firms’ characteristics on SEC reviews of IPO registration statement
Tran, V.N.K., Hemmings, D. and Jaafar, A. (2019). The effects of IPO firms’ characteristics on SEC reviews of IPO registration statement . 1st Welsh Postgraduate Research Conference (WPGRC). Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK. 19 - 19 Jun 2019

De-burdening the IPO approval process: SEC reviews under the JOBS Act
Tran, N.K.V., Hemmings, D. and Jaafar, A. (2019). De-burdening the IPO approval process: SEC reviews under the JOBS Act . British Accounting and Finance Association. University of Birmingham 08 - 10 Apr 2019

SEC reviews of IPO registration statement
Tran, N.K.V, Hemmings, D. and Jaafar, A. (2018). SEC reviews of IPO registration statement. 41st Accounting & Finance Research Colloquium Gregynog. Gregynog Hall, Newtown, UK. 09 - 10 May 2018

Control of emerging-market target and stock performance: Evidence in Vietnam
Tran, V.N.K. and Van, H.Q. (2017). Control of emerging-market target and stock performance: Evidence in Vietnam . Vietnam Economist Annual Meeting. 01 - 04 Aug 2017