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HomeAcademic staffProfessor Alex Kendall

Professor Alex Kendall

Law and Social Science

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I joined LSBU in November 2022 as Professor of Education and Dean of the School of Law and Social Science having previously worked at Birmingham City and Wolverhampton Universities. Prior to working in Higher Education, I worked as an English Teacher, teaching Language, Literature and Literacy, in a broad range of Further Education contexts in the UK and internationally. I studied English Literature at Cardiff University, followed by Women's History at Royal Holloway and completed a PhD at the University of Birmingham in 2005 exploring young people's reading cultures and experiences of reading for pleasure.

My research and writing explores Education as a social practice focusing on the social justice potentials of education. My work has a particular focus on teacher development, literacies and education in a range of education and community contexts (schools, colleges, universities, prisons, and community settings) with a particular focus on lived experiences of education. I enjoy working with creative methods and am interested in embodied, material and post-qualitative research practices and experimental approaches to writing and representing research. I have led a range of national and international projects most recently working with the Charity City of Sanctuary on an evaluation of the Schools of Sanctuary programme and the Ministry of Education and Training in Vietnam on the research development dimension of their national programme Enhancing Teacher Education. I am Managing Editor of Practice: Contemporary Issues in Practitioner Education.

Postgraduate Research Supervision
Mx Sanna StrömAlternatives to Shareholder PrimacyPhD
Ms Katherine PecheyCo-designing a transitional curriculum to develop undergraduate academic reading competenciesDProf
Ms Jenna Mary BentHow do schools promote critical disability theory when supporting children with hidden disabilities and their parents?DProf
Miss Betty Boachie BenjaminHow can mainstream FE colleges provide inclusive and sustainable transition support for children with SEND?DProf
Clair MearesPhD
Ann NashPhD
Bayley MorrisPhD

Awarded in the last 5 years
Helen HolderDProf

University of Birmingham

Principle Fellow HEA

Higher Education Academy

PGCE (English) Further and Higher Education

Cardiff University

Assoicate Dean Research and Enterprise
Birmingham City University

Associate Dean and Head of Education
Wolverhampton University

FunderYear wonProjectRole
British Council 2023Digi-Doc: Digital Doctorate Training HubPrincipal Investigator
British Council 2023Making Gender Equality Matter in School (MGEMS): Teaching for Gender Equality in VietnamPrincipal Investigator
British Council 2023STEM-POWERPrincipal Investigator
City of Sanctuary UK2022Schools of SanctuaryPrincipal Investigator
ProposalProjectRoleFunderStatusStatus last updated
Digi-Doc: Digital Doctorate Training HubDigi-Doc: Digital Doctorate Training HubPrincipal InvestigatorBritish Council OPEN Approved for submissionNov 2023
GROWGROWPrincipal InvestigatorBritish Council OPEN SubmittedSep 2024
Practice: Contemporary Issues in Practitioner Education

Practice: contemporary issues in professional learning is a fully peer-reviewed international journal for practitioners, professionals and researchers exploring innovative, creative and original approaches to work in the field of practitioner education. The journal has a strong inter-disciplinary focus and seeks to facilitate discussion and debate that crosses the boundaries of professional contexts and domains including compulsory and post-compulsory education, nursing, social work, allied health professions and the criminal justice sector.
