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Professor Lizzie Jackson

Professor Lizzie Jackson

Creative Technologies

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I am a senior Professor in the School, Co-Director of the Creative Technologies Research Centre, and Principal Investigator of the Hi3 Network. The Hi3 Network is a £6.1m European Regional Development project to create three sets of connected studios across Essex, Kent, and East Sussex. The network provides an innovation infrastructure enabling SMEs and researchers to explore emerging technologies in the moving image.

Since 2004 my research has supported the evolution of public service media (PSM) to keep pace with contemporary media, audience, and organisational aspects. I also developed policy at international level, working with six other advisors drawn from across the EU to co-draft the Declaration and Recommendation on the governance of public service media for the European Commission. The Declaration and Recommendation was enshrined in European law in March 2012. I have published widely on PSM and the implications of emerging technologies for the media and communications sector. More recent research looked at the organisational culture of creative clusters through an international three-year funded project (2015-2019) investigating ten high technology clusters across Europe and North America. My current research looks at the implications of Virtual Production (VP) in the UK from production and industry perspectives. VP draws together the pre and post-production of televisual media with live shoots augmented by virtual backgrounds generated by the Unreal and Unity gaming engines.

External activities:

Advisor to the UK Intellectual Property Office (Research Advisory Group) 2015 to date.

President of the International Association of Public Media Researchers (2019-2021).

Member of the UK Home Office Internet Safety Task Force (2000-2002).

Founder member of Emint, the first International group for Social Media Managers (1998-2005).

Conference Presentations:

I have presented keynotes and papers over the last 30 years at over 100 national and international conferences. These range from academic to industry events including the key media and communications scholarly conferences in the UK to workshops and consultations organised by the European Commission, the European Broadcasting Union and international Social Media industry meet ups.

Postgraduate Research Supervision
Mrs Faria HossainVolumetric Video is more than Virtual Production: "Bringing Immersive Media into Existence”PhD

Awarded in the last 5 years
BA Performing Arts

Middlesex University

Postgraduate Diploma in Multimedia Production

Birkbeck, University of London

Postgraduate Diploma in Multimedia Project Management

Birkbeck, University of London


University of Westminster.

TOTSi - BBC Sound Engineering Qualification


Production Secretary, Meridian, BBC World Service

Managing contracts, typing scripts for the presenters timing the live and recorded daily editions of the programme.

Other public sector
BBC Senior Studio Manager
BBC World Service and BBC National Radio

In charge of live and recorded programmes, including outside broadcasts and dramas at Maida Vale.

Other public sector
Company Director
Soundbite Productions Limited

Procuring contracts, making programmes, marketing, company strategy, finance, legal issues, insurance, staff management.

Launch Producer,

Working with coders, designer, and content makers to launch websites and the BBC's first message boards, live chats, and Chatrooms.

Other public sector
Online Communities Editor

Working with BBC Editorial Policy on their award-winning social media guidelines. This included developing the legal structures in collaboration with the BBC's senior editorial policy advisors. Leading and training teams of producers across the BBC to run social media, including the National and Regional services (BBC Scotland, BBC Wales, BBC Northern Ireland). Developing the BBC's first live stream outside broadcast. Leading teams to build the BBC's first social media platforms (message boards, live chats, and chat rooms). Advising BBC Children's on Internet Safety and strategies.

Other public sector
Deputy Head, Broadcasting Department

Working with the Head (Dean) of the Broadcast Department to ensure the quality, strategy, and delivery of courses in film, television, editing and post production, and music. Working across all Ravensbourne's departments to ensure the organisation went paperless in advance of the move to the new campus on the Greenwich Peninsular. Creating a 'Plan B' to move all staff, courses, and students to the new campus. This included working with staff to move the studios from the old site in Kent to the new building in Greenwich.

Head of Research

Starting Ravensbourne's research which became a £ multi-million research facility in three years. I developed the research strategy, and training. I ran the Ethics Committee, the Research Committee, and oversaw the development and maintenance of a research bids portfolio that included European bids. Under my tenure and assistance Ravensbourne won a £1m Horizon 2020 grant to develop virtual reality training materials to teach medical procedures to medics in e.g. Africa and India.

Head of the Division of Creative Technologies
School of Arts and Creative Industries, London South Bank University

I was responsible for developing courses, maintaining the quality of courses, strategy, finance, staff management, and growing the undergraduate student numbers. The Division became one of the most innovative and successful in the school.

Director of Research and Enterprise
School of Arts and Creative Industries, London South Bank University

I led the research and enterprise offering across the School. This included the management of the monthly Research Committee, and the distribution of the annual QR funding to all research-active staff. I organised training for researchers and designed and implemented a mentoring programme. I led the School's submission to the Research Excellence Framework which resulted in an exceptionally significant increase in research impact; the largest in the University. I led - and won - grant funding of £7.2m for two projects from the European Regional Development Fund.

Senior Professor
School of Arts and Creative Industries, London South Bank University

I am one of two Co-Directors of the new Creative Technologies Research Centre, School of Arts and Creative Industries. I am also the Principal Investigator of the Hi3 Network, a £6.1m European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project. We have built three connected Hubs of studios across SE England that bring together Small to Medium-sized businesses (SMEs) with researchers to explore emerging technologies in the moving image. Each Hub has two studios, edit suites, and a co-working space. 24 Innovation Vouchers are being given to SME/Researcher 'pairs' to develop innovative products, services, or experiences. Our partners are Canterbury Christ Church University, Screen South, Maidstone Studios, and Creative Folkestone.

Other public sector
FunderYear wonProjectRole
ERDF2020R&D-4-SMEs / Hi3 NetworkPrincipal Investigator
The British Academy of Film and Television
The Royal Society of Arts and Manufacturing
The International Association of Public Media Researchers
The Youth, Media, and Culture Network
The UK Intellectual Property Office

I am an Advisor to the UK Intellectual Property Office as a member of the Research Advisory Group (REAG).

The group advises on the quality of commissioned research and on the annual portfolio of research to be commissioned by the UK IPO.

April 2012
Canterbury Christ Church University

I work with CCCU as part of the Hi3 Network which brings SME and researchers across England together to produce innovative products, services, or experiences.

July 2020
July 2023
Screen South

I collaborate with Screen South who are part of the Hi3 Network that brings SME and researchers across England together to produce innovative products, services, or experiences.

Third sector
July 2020
July 2023
Maidstone Studios Limited & Vinters Limited

I partner with Maidstone Studios Limited who house our experimental Virtual Production Studio, edit suites, and co-working space for the Hi3 Network. I also liaise with Vinters who provide the broadcast-standard connectivity that joins together the three Hubs that form the Hi3 Network (at Maidstone, Canterbury, and Folkestone).

July 2020
July 2023
Creative Folkestone

I work with Creative Folkestone who house Screen South's Hub; one of three that form the Hi3 Network.

Third sector
July 2020
July 2023
Prizes, awards, and accolades

Nominated as one of the 100 Innovators of the (first) UK Internet Decade (Sep 2005)

NOP World and

I was nominated 'One of the 100 Innovators of the (first) UK Internet Decade' for supporting the growth and development of the social media industry in the UK and internationally. The work particularly related to my work developing the BBC's moderation and hosting policy with Julian Coles, one of the BBC's Senior Policy Advisors. The nomination also took into consideration my work on Internet Safety as a member of the Home Office Task Force for Internet Safety. I also worked with the Lucy Faithfull Foundation and The National Children's Charity to design and produce training materials for Police and Prison Officers across the UK relating to the grooming of children. Lastly, I was one of two founders of Emint, the first network for professional Social Media Managers in the world.

Evidence to public body

Mar 2019

I gave evidence on co-working spaces to the Thames Estuary Production Corridor Policy Group. This is a group of developers, Local Councils, the Greater London Authority, The South East Local Enterprise Partnership, and local industry and creative partners. Their aim is regeneration for economic and civic wellbeing in the South East of England.

Models of Co-working in the Downtown Toronto Innovation Districts
Jackson, L. (2020). Models of Co-working in the Downtown Toronto Innovation Districts. in: Creating Creative Clusters: Innovation, Governance and Production Brussels, Belgium Taylor & Francis.

Datafication, Fluidity, and Organisational Change: Towards A Universal ‘PSM 3.0’
Jackson, L. (2020). Datafication, Fluidity, and Organisational Change: Towards A Universal ‘PSM 3.0’. in: Medina, M., Savage, P. and Lowe, G.F. (ed.) Universalism in Public Service Media Gothenburg Nordicom.

Article to supplement the Policy Forum for London: Next Steps for Growth in the Thames Estuary
Jackson, L. (2019). Article to supplement the Policy Forum for London: Next Steps for Growth in the Thames Estuary. Policy Forum for London.

Observing High Technology Firms and Creative Audiences
Jackson, L. and Glowacki, M (2019). Observing High Technology Firms and Creative Audiences. in: Van den Bulck, H, Puppis, M, Donders, K and Van Audenhoven, L (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Methods for Media Policy Research. Palgrave Macmillan.

The potential of machine mediation in the maintenance of public service media
Jackson, L. (2017). The potential of machine mediation in the maintenance of public service media. in: Dobek-Ostrowska, B and Glowacki, M (ed.) Public Service Media Renewal: Adaptation to Digital Network Challenges Peter Lang.

The importance of social interaction in the co-working spaces of Boston USA and London UK.
Jackson, L. (2017). The importance of social interaction in the co-working spaces of Boston USA and London UK. European Media Managers Association Conference. Ghent, Belgium 10 - 12 May 2017 London South Bank University.

Finding Public Service Media in a Global Mediascape
Jackson, L. (2016). Finding Public Service Media in a Global Mediascape. in: Lowe, G and Yamamoto, N (ed.) Crossing Borders and Boundaries in Public Service Media Gothenburg, Sweden Nordicom.

Checking New Media Dreaming
Jackson, L. (2015). Checking New Media Dreaming. Masip, P and Rom, J (ed.) III International Conference, Communication and Reality. Barcelona 20 - 21 May 2005 Barcelona Tripodos (Facultat de Ciències de la Comunicacío Blanquerna).

Testing Participatory Design and Responsive User-Interfaces to Teach Digital Skills to NEETs: Using an Experimental Online Learning Platform
Jackson, L. and Pereira, L (2015). Testing Participatory Design and Responsive User-Interfaces to Teach Digital Skills to NEETs: Using an Experimental Online Learning Platform. Media Education Research Journal. 6 (1), pp. 37-62.

Experiments in Participatory Practices at the BBC
Jackson, L. (2014). Experiments in Participatory Practices at the BBC. in: Gulyas, A and Hammer, F (ed.) Public Service Media in the Digital Age International Perspectives Cambridge Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Electronic Visualisation and the Arts.
Jackson, L. (2014). Electronic Visualisation and the Arts. Ng, K, Bowen, JP and McDaid, S (ed.) Electronic Visualisation and the Arts 2014. London, UK 08 - 10 Jul 2014 BCS.

Glowacki, M and Jackson, L. (2013). Introduction. in: Glowacki, M and Jackson, L (ed.) Public Media Management for the Twenty-First Century: Creativity, Innovation, and Interaction (Paperback Edition). New York Routledge. pp. 16-31

Jackson, L. and Glowacki, M (2013). Conclusions. in: Glowacki, M and Jackson, L (ed.) Public Media Management for the Twenty-First Century Creativity, Innovation, and Interaction (Paperback Edition) New York Routledge. pp. 415-441

Participating Publics: Implications for Production Practices at the BBC.
Jackson, L. (2013). Participating Publics: Implications for Production Practices at the BBC. in: Glowacki, M and Jackson, L (ed.) Public Media Management for the Twenty-First Century: Creativity, Innovation, and Interaction (Paperback Edition). New York, USA Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group). pp. 360-385

Learning from Adventure Rock
Jackson, L. (2012). Learning from Adventure Rock. in: Merchant, G, Gillen, J, Marsh, J and Davies, J (ed.) Virtual Literacies Interactive Spaces for Children and Young People New York and London Routledge.

Facilitating Participatory Audiences: Sociable Media and PSM
Jackson, L. (2010). Facilitating Participatory Audiences: Sociable Media and PSM. in: Lowe, GF (ed.) The Public in Public Service Media RIPE@2009 Gothenburg Nordicom.

Checking New Media Dreaming
Jackson, L. (2005). Checking New Media Dreaming. in: Digital Utopia in the Media: from Discourses to Facts. A Balance Barcelona Tripodos.