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HomeAcademic staffProfessor Mohammad Ghavami
Professor Mohammad Ghavami

Professor Mohammad Ghavami

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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I joined LSBU in 2010, where I am Professor of Telecommunications in the School of Engineering and founding head of the University’s Centre for Bioengineering Research. Prior LSBU I was with the King’s College London 2002-2010, Sony Computer Science Laboratories 2000-2002 and Yokohama National University 1998-2000. My current research interests focus on ultra-wideband (UWB) tools for cancer detection and establishment of a proof of concept for UWB medical imaging and image reconstruction. Our developed UWB platforms such as the microwave chamber and MammoWave apparatus are used for testing and monitoring in different medical applications.

I am currently the Director of the Centre for Bioengineering Research at the School of Engineering, London South Bank University (LSBU) where I am also the PI for two Marie Curie EU grants related to UWB radar (H2020-MSCA-IF 793449, £180k, “WEBOING”, 2018-2020 and H2020-MSCA-RISE 872752, £150K, “ROVER”, 2020-2024). Previously, I was the PI for an EPSRC grant associated with UWB sensors (EP/K002473/1, £911k, “DANCER”, 2012-2017).

Prior LSBU I was with the King’s College London from 2002 to 2010 where I secured several research grants including EPSRC (GR/T21771/01, £300k, UWB Channel Modelling) and NHS (MHF9401, £114k, Wireless Monitoring of Physiological Signals). I am the author of the books “Ultra-Wideband Signals and Systems”, and “Adaptive Array Systems”, both by Wiley, and have published over 180 technical papers in international journals and conferences on areas related to UWB and medical applications. I hold three US patents and have received two invention awards from Sony. I have been the guest editor of various MDPI, IET and IEICE Journals related to UWB systems. In my previous funded EPSRC grants I developed UWB tools for breast and skin cancer detection and established a proof of concept for UWB medical imaging and image reconstruction.

My ongoing collaboration with Industrial partners at LSBU Centre for Bioengineering Research includes the development and implementation of smart card antennas (Reward Technology; PhD match funding) and microwave cancer detection and bone fracture imaging and recovering monitoring (UBT Tech; funded post doc researcher and two match funded PhD scholarships).

Postgraduate Research Supervision
Mr Sheikh Md Ziauddin GaziDoctoral Research ProjectPhD
Mr Md Imtiaz ShahedIntelligent Beamforming for Wireless CommunicationsPhD
Miss Maryam DorvashiDual-modality cancer therapy with ultrasound and microwaves using nanodropletsPhD
Mrs Banafsheh KhalesiMicrowave Imaging for Diagnostic ApplicationPhD
Mr Moein MovafaghDevelopment and characterization of a microwave system for imaging and heat treatment rationalePhD
Mr Yohannes Mesgna BairuBiomedical data analysis with Machine LearningPhD

Awarded in the last 5 years
Mr Omar Laith Hasan Al HashimiWeb-Based 3D Interactive Virtual Systems for Medical Instruments (AquaFlux and Epsilon)PhD
Mr Bilal KhalidCancer Detection Using Advanced UWB Microwave TechnologyPhD
Mr Dana JamalA Hardware-Based Acquisition Engine For GNSS ReceiversPhD
Mrs Behnaz SohaniDetection of brain stroke in simulation and realistic 3-D human head phantom using microwave imagingPhD
Behnaz SohaniPhD
PhD Electrical Engineering

University of Tehran and University of Kaiserslautern

Professor of Telecommunications Engineering
King’s College London

Head of the UWB Research Group

Sony Computer Science Laboratories

Research on advanced telecommunication engineering topics

Associate researcher
Yokohama National University

JSPS Post Doc Research Fellow

ProposalProjectRoleFunderStatusStatus last updated
Matched Funded PhD Studentship: UBT Matched Funded PhD Studentship: UBT Principal InvestigatorOPEN Approved for submissionOct 2020
Microwave Imaging for Diagnostic Applications-FellowshipMicrowave Imaging for Diagnostic Applications-FellowshipCo-InvestigatorUmbria Bioengineering Technologies (UBT)OPEN Approved for submissionFeb 2020
UWB wearable apparatus for bone fracture imaging and recovering monitoring-WEBOINGUWB wearable apparatus for bone fracture imaging and recovering monitoring-WEBOINGPrincipal InvestigatorEuropean Commission (H2020)OPEN In preparationMar 2020
Prizes, awards, and accolades

Invention award (Dec 2002)

Sony Corporation, Japan

Portable Communications

Evidence to public body

Dec 2002

Sony ref no. 01008168

Sony ref no. 01008169

Frequency Selection to Improve the Performance of Microwave Breast Cancer Detecting Support Vector Model by Using Genetic Algorithm
Taghipour-Gorjikolaie, M., Khalesi, B., Ghavami, N., Tiberi, G., Badia, M., Papini, L., Fracassini, A., Bigotti, A., Palomba, G. and Ghavami, M. (2024). Frequency Selection to Improve the Performance of Microwave Breast Cancer Detecting Support Vector Model by Using Genetic Algorithm. MeMeA: IEEE Medical Measurments & Applications. EINDHOVEN, THE NETHERLANDS 26 - 28 Jun 2024 IEEE.

Machine Learning Techniques for Autonomous Lesion Detection in Microwave Breast Imaging Clinical Data
Shadwell, H., Nnadi, N., Aliyu, A., Ghavami, N., Ghavami, M., Tiberi, G. and Sohani, B. (2024). Machine Learning Techniques for Autonomous Lesion Detection in Microwave Breast Imaging Clinical Data. ISMICT 2024. London, UK 15 - 17 May 2024 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Automated Marker-based Abnormal Gait Pattern Detection Using Novel 6-dimensional Skeleton
Wickramarachchi, W., Brown, R., Ghavami, M., Berthaume, M. and Dudley-Mcevoy, S. (2024). Automated Marker-based Abnormal Gait Pattern Detection Using Novel 6-dimensional Skeleton. ISMICT 2024. London, UK 15 - 17 May 2024 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Huygens Principle based Microwave Imaging for Lung Lesion Detection using Realistic Phantom
Khalid, B., Khalesi, B., Ghavami, N., Brown, R., Dudley-Mcevoy, S., Ghavami, M. and Tiberi, G. (2024). Huygens Principle based Microwave Imaging for Lung Lesion Detection using Realistic Phantom. ISMICT 2024. London, UK 15 - 17 May 2024 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

A Reliable Antenna Array for the 28GHz mmWave Band in a 5G Massive MIMO Communication
Ekolle, Z.E., Ryuji, K. and Ghavami, M. (2023). A Reliable Antenna Array for the 28GHz mmWave Band in a 5G Massive MIMO Communication. International Symposium On Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications. Tampa, Florida 19 - 22 Nov 2023

MammoWave Breast Imaging Device: Prospective Clinical Trial Results and AI Enhancement
Ghavami, N., Sánchez-Bayuela, D.A., Badia, M., Papini, L., Rana, S.P., Bigotti, A., Palomba, G., Raspa, G., Castellano, C.R., Bernardi, D., Tagliafico, A., Calabrese, M., Dudley, S., Ghavami, M. and Tiberi, G. (2023). MammoWave Breast Imaging Device: Prospective Clinical Trial Results and AI Enhancement. IEEE.

Huygens Principle-based Microwave Brain Imaging through Finite Difference Time Domain
Movafagh, M., Ghavami, N., Tiberi, G., Dudley-Mcevoy, S. and Ghavami, M. (2023). Huygens Principle-based Microwave Brain Imaging through Finite Difference Time Domain. 2023 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications. Genoa, Italy 15 - 17 Nov 2023 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

A multicentric, single arm, prospective, stratified clinical investigation to evaluate MammoWave’s ability in breast lesions detection
Ghavami, M., Ghavami, N., Tiberi, G., Alvarez Sánchez-Bayuela, D., Badia, M., Romero Castellano, C., Calabrese, M. and Tagliafico, A. (2023). A multicentric, single arm, prospective, stratified clinical investigation to evaluate MammoWave’s ability in breast lesions detection. PLoS ONE. 18 (7), p. e0288312.

A Spiral-like Acquisition Strategy for 3D Huygens' Principle Based Microwave Imaging
Khalid, B., Khalesi, B., Ghavami, N., Raspa, G., Badia, M., Dudley-Mcevoy, S., Ghavami, M. and Tiberi, G. (2023). A Spiral-like Acquisition Strategy for 3D Huygens' Principle Based Microwave Imaging. Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (Piers) 2023. Prague 06 Jun - 03 Jul 2023 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Dataset related to "A multicentric, single arm, prospective, stratified clinical investigation to evaluate MammoWave’s ability in breast lesions detection"
Tiberi, G., Ghavami, M., Alvarez Sánchez-Bayuela, D., Ghavami, N., Tagliafico, A. and Romero Castellano, C. (2023). Dataset related to "A multicentric, single arm, prospective, stratified clinical investigation to evaluate MammoWave’s ability in breast lesions detection". London South Bank University.

A Multicentric, Single Arm, Prospective, Stratified Clinical Investigation to Confirm MammoWave’s Ability in Breast Lesions Detection
Ghavami, M., Tiberi, G., Ghavami, N., Alvarez Sánchez-Bayuela, D., Castellano, C., Bigotti, A., Badia, M., Papini, L., Raspa, G., Palomba, G., Loretoni, R., Calabrese, M. and Tagliafico, A. (2023). A Multicentric, Single Arm, Prospective, Stratified Clinical Investigation to Confirm MammoWave’s Ability in Breast Lesions Detection. Diagnostics. 13 (12).

Multi-BD Symbiotic Radio-Aided 6G IoT Network: Energy Consumption Optimization with QoS Constraint Approach
Ghavami, M., Yeganeh, R. and Omidi, M. (2023). Multi-BD Symbiotic Radio-Aided 6G IoT Network: Energy Consumption Optimization with QoS Constraint Approach. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking.

MammoWave Breast Imaging Device: An International and Multicentric Clinical Investigation
Tiberi, G., Ghavami, M., Ghavami, N., Tagliafico, A, Calabrese, M and Alvarez Sánchez-Bayuela, D. (2023). MammoWave Breast Imaging Device: An International and Multicentric Clinical Investigation. EUCAP 23. Florence, Italy 26 - 31 Mar 2023 EuCAP.

Breast Cancer Detection using Machine Learning Approaches on Microwave-based Data
Ghavami, M., Ghavami, N., Rana, S. and Tiberi, G. (2023). Breast Cancer Detection using Machine Learning Approaches on Microwave-based Data. EUCAP 23. Florence, Italy 26 - 31 Mar 2023

Radar-based Imaging through StrokeWave Device: Preliminary Experimental Results
Ghavami, N., Ghavami, M. and Tiberi, G. (2023). Radar-based Imaging through StrokeWave Device: Preliminary Experimental Results. EUCAP 23. Florence, Italy 26 - 31 Mar 2023

Cutting-edge strategies for breast lesions detection through Radiomics in novel microwave imaging technologies: Features' extraction reliability on microwave images from MammoWave device
Tiberi, G., Ghavami, M., Dudley-Mcevoy, S., Ghavami, N. and Alvarez Sánchez-Bayuela, D. (2023). Cutting-edge strategies for breast lesions detection through Radiomics in novel microwave imaging technologies: Features' extraction reliability on microwave images from MammoWave device. ECR 2023. Vienna 01 - 05 Mar 2023 European Society of Radiology.

Radiation-free Microwave Technology for Breast Lesion Detection using Supervised Machine Learning Model
Rana, S., Dey, M., Loretoni, R., Duranti, M., Ghavami, M., Dudley-Mcevoy, S. and Tiberi, G. (2023). Radiation-free Microwave Technology for Breast Lesion Detection using Supervised Machine Learning Model. Tomography. 9 (1), pp. 105-129.

3D Huygens Principle based Microwave Imaging through MammoWave Device: Validation through Phantoms.
Khalid, B., Khalesi, B., Ghavami, N., Sani, L., Vispa, A., Madia, M., Dudley-Mcevoy, S., Ghavami, M. and Tiberi, G. (2022). 3D Huygens Principle based Microwave Imaging through MammoWave Device: Validation through Phantoms. IEEE Access. Volume (10), pp. 106770 - 106780.

Automated breast lesion localisation in microwave imaging employing simplified pulse coupled neural network
Dey, M., Rana, S., Loretoni, R., Duranti, M., Sani, L., Vispa, A., Raspa, G., Ghavami, M., Dudley-Mcevoy, S. and Tiberi, G. (2022). Automated breast lesion localisation in microwave imaging employing simplified pulse coupled neural network. PLoS ONE.

A Microwave Imaging Procedure for Lung Lesion Detection: Preliminary Results on Multilayer Phantoms
Khalid, B., Khalesi, B., Ghavami, M., Ghavami, N. and Tiberi, G. (2022). A Microwave Imaging Procedure for Lung Lesion Detection: Preliminary Results on Multilayer Phantoms. Electronics (Switzerland). 11 (13), p. 2105.

Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Systems in Biomedical Sensing
Tiberi, G. and Ghavami, M. (2022). Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Systems in Biomedical Sensing. Sensors. 22 (12), p. 4403.

MammoWave Breast Imaging Device: Path to Clinical Validation, Results and Implications in Future Population-based Breast Screening Programs
Tiberi, G., Ghavami, N., Sanchez-Bayuela, D., Sani, L., Vispa, A., Bigotti, A., Badia, M., Papini, L., Raspa, G., Castellano, C.R., Hernandez, L.M.C., Bernardi, D., Tagliafico, A., Calabrese, M. and Ghavami, M. (2022). MammoWave Breast Imaging Device: Path to Clinical Validation, Results and Implications in Future Population-based Breast Screening Programs. EuCAP 2022. Madrid, Spain 27 Mar - 01 Apr 2022 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Markerless Gait Classification Employing 3D IR-UWB Physiological Motion Sensing
Rana, S., Dey, M., Ghavami, M. and Dudley-Mcevoy, S. (2022). Markerless Gait Classification Employing 3D IR-UWB Physiological Motion Sensing. IEEE Sensors Journal. 22 (7), pp. 6931-6941.

Improving Indoor Localization Using Mobile UWB Sensor and Deep Neural Networks
Nosrati, L., Fazel, M. S. and Ghavami, M. (2022). Improving Indoor Localization Using Mobile UWB Sensor and Deep Neural Networks. IEEE Access.

An Analytically Based Approach for Evaluating the Impact of the Noise on the Microwave Imaging Detection
Sohani, Behnaz, Abdallah, Adam Degaichia, Tiberi, Gianluigi, Ghavami, Navid, Ghavami, Mohammad and Dudley, Sandra (2021). An Analytically Based Approach for Evaluating the Impact of the Noise on the Microwave Imaging Detection. 2021 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS).

3D Microwave Imaging Using Huygens Principle: A Phantom-based Validation
Khalid, B., Khalesi, B., Ghavami, N., Tiberi, G., Dudley-Mcevoy, S. and Ghavami, M. (2021). 3D Microwave Imaging Using Huygens Principle: A Phantom-based Validation. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2021). Hangzhu 21 - 25 Nov 2021 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

3D Microwave Imaging Using Huygens Principle: A Phantom-based Validation
Khalid, B., Khalesi, B., Ghavami, N., Dudley, S., Ghavami, M. and Tiberi, G. (2021). 3D Microwave Imaging Using Huygens Principle: A Phantom-based Validation. 2021 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS).

Microwave Imaging for Lung Covid-19 Infection Detection through Huygens Principle
Ghavami, M., Khalesi, B., Khalid, B., Ghavami, N., Dudley-Mcevoy, S. and Tiberi, G. (2021). Microwave Imaging for Lung Covid-19 Infection Detection through Huygens Principle. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2021). Hangzhu 21 - 25 Nov 2021

MammoWave Breast Imaging Device: A Procedure for Device’s Characterization Via Phantom Measurements and Subsequent Clinical Trials’ Preliminary Results
Sani, L., Vispa, A., Ghavami, N., Álvarez Sánchez-Bayuela, D., Badia, M., Bigotti, A., Raspa, G., Castellano, C.R., Ghavami, M. and Tiberi, G. (2021). MammoWave Breast Imaging Device: A Procedure for Device’s Characterization Via Phantom Measurements and Subsequent Clinical Trials’ Preliminary Results. 2021 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications (CAMA) . Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France 15 - 17 Nov 2021 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Automated breast lesion localisation in microwave imaging employing simplified pulse coupled neural network
Dey, M., Rana, S., Loretoni, R., Duranti, M., Sani, L., Vispa, A., Raspa, G., Ghavami, M., Dudley-Mcevoy, S. and Tiberi, G. (2021). Automated breast lesion localisation in microwave imaging employing simplified pulse coupled neural network. London South Bank University.

Radial Basis Function for Breast Lesion Detection from MammoWave Clinical Data
Rana, S., Dey, M., Riccardo Loretoni, Michele Duranti, Lorenzo Sani, Alessandro Vispa, Ghavami, M., Sandra Dudley and Gianluigi Tiberi (2021). Radial Basis Function for Breast Lesion Detection from MammoWave Clinical Data. Diagnostics. 11 (10).

Empirical Assessment of Breast Lesion Detection Capability Through an Innovative Microwave Imaging Device
Sani, L., Vispa, A., Ghavami, N., Ghavami, M. and Tiberi, G. (2020). Empirical Assessment of Breast Lesion Detection Capability Through an Innovative Microwave Imaging Device. European Conference on Antennas and Propagation. Düsseldorf , Germany 22 - 26 Mar 2021 The European Association on Antennas and Propagation .

Breast lesion detection through MammoWave device: Empirical detection capability assessment of microwave images' parameters.
Sani, L., Vispa, A., Loretoni, R., Duranti, M., Ghavami, N., Alvarez Sánchez-Bayuela, D., Caschera, S., Paoli, M., Bigotti, A., Badia, M., Scorsipa, M., Raspa, G., Ghavami, M. and Tiberi, G. (2021). Breast lesion detection through MammoWave device: Empirical detection capability assessment of microwave images' parameters. PLoS ONE. 16 (4), p. e0250005.

3D Gait Abnormality Detection Employing Contactless IR-UWB Sensing Phenomenon
Rana, S., Dey, M., Ghavami, M. and Dudley-McEvoy, S. (2021). 3D Gait Abnormality Detection Employing Contactless IR-UWB Sensing Phenomenon. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 70.

A Fingerprint Technique for Indoor Localization using Autoencoder based Semi-supervised Deep Extreme Learning Machine
Khatab, Z. E., Gazestani, A.H., Ghorashi, S. and Ghavami, M. (2020). A Fingerprint Technique for Indoor Localization using Autoencoder based Semi-supervised Deep Extreme Learning Machine. Signal Processing. 181, p. 107915.

Breast lesion detection through MammoWave device: microwave images’ parameters
Tiberi, G., Sani, Lorenzo, Vispa, Alessandro, Loretoni, Riccardo, Duranti, Michele, Ghavami, N., Alvarez Sanchez-Bayuela, Daniel, Paoli, Martina, Bigotti, Alessandra, Badia, Mario, Scorsipa, Michele, Raspa, Giovanni, Ghavami, M. and Caschera, Stefano (2020). Breast lesion detection through MammoWave device: microwave images’ parameters. London South Bank University.

Free space operating microwave imaging device for bone lesion detection: a phantom investigation
Khalesi, B., Sohani, B., Ghavami, N., Dudley-McEvoy, S., Ghavami, M. and Tiberi, G. (2020). Free space operating microwave imaging device for bone lesion detection: a phantom investigation. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters.

UWB Microwave Imaging for Inclusions Detection: Methodology for Comparing Artefact Removal Algorithms
Puttock, J, Sohani, B, Khalesi, B, Tiberi, G, Dudley-McEvoy, S and Ghavami, M (2020). UWB Microwave Imaging for Inclusions Detection: Methodology for Comparing Artefact Removal Algorithms. EAI BODYNETS 2020. Online 21 - 22 Oct 2020

An Experimentally Validated Smart Card UHF Tag Antenna ForFree Space and Near Body Scenarios
Riaz, M., Ghavami, M. and Dudley-McEvoy, S. (2020). An Experimentally Validated Smart Card UHF Tag Antenna ForFree Space and Near Body Scenarios. IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation. 14 (13), pp. 1599-1609.

Developing Artefact Removal Algorithms to Process Data from a Microwave Imaging Device for Haemorrhagic Stroke Detection
Sohani, B., Puttock, J., Khalesi, B., Ghavami, N., Ghavami, M., Sandra Dudley and Gianluigi Tiberi (2020). Developing Artefact Removal Algorithms to Process Data from a Microwave Imaging Device for Haemorrhagic Stroke Detection. Sensors. 20 (19), p. e5545.

A Non-Invasive Bone Fracture Monitoring Analysis using an UHF Antenna
Riaz, M, Tiberi, G, Asani, H, Ghavami, M and Dudley-McEvoy, S (2020). A Non-Invasive Bone Fracture Monitoring Analysis using an UHF Antenna. IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing. Porto 20 - 22 Jul 2020 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Detection of haemorrhagic stroke in simulation and realistic 3-D human head phantom using microwave imaging
Sohani, B., Khalesi, B., Ghavami, N., Ghavami, M., Dudley, S., Rahmani, A. and Tiberi, G. (2020). Detection of haemorrhagic stroke in simulation and realistic 3-D human head phantom using microwave imaging. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 61, p. 102001.

A novel motion-model-free UWB short-range positioning method
Ayoobi, N., Ghavami, M. and Rabiei, A.M. (2019). A novel motion-model-free UWB short-range positioning method. Signal, Image and Video Processing. pp. 1-6.

A Phantom Investigation to Quantify Huygens Principle Based Microwave Imaging for Bone Lesion Detection
Banafsheh Khalesi, Sohani, B., Navid Ghavami, Ghavami, M., Sandra Dudley and Gianluigi Tiberi (2019). A Phantom Investigation to Quantify Huygens Principle Based Microwave Imaging for Bone Lesion Detection. Electronics. 8 (12), p. 1505.

New Reconstructed Database for Cost Reduction in Indoor Fingerprinting Localization
Moghtadaiee, V., Ghorashi, S.A. and Ghavami, M. (2019). New Reconstructed Database for Cost Reduction in Indoor Fingerprinting Localization. IEEE Access. 7, pp. 104462-104477.

ITERATOR: A 3D Gait Identification from IR-UWB Technology
Rana, S., Dey, M, Ghavami, M and Dudley, S (2019). ITERATOR: A 3D Gait Identification from IR-UWB Technology. International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) (EMBC 2019). Berlin, Germany 23 - 27 Jul 2019

Non-Contact Human Gait Identification through IR-UWB Edge Based Monitoring Sensor
Rana, S., Dey, M, Ghavami, M and Dudley-McEvoy, S (2019). Non-Contact Human Gait Identification through IR-UWB Edge Based Monitoring Sensor. IEEE Sensors Journal.

Out-of-Band Power Suppression for Cyclic SLM with Delayed Correlation and Matched Filter
Pamungkasari, P, Juwono, F, Hayati, N and Ghavami, M (2019). Out-of-Band Power Suppression for Cyclic SLM with Delayed Correlation and Matched Filter. International Conference on Smart Computing & Communications. Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia 28 - 30 Jun 2019

Evaluation of Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves in a Microwave Apparatus for Breast Lesions Detection
Tiberi, G, Sani, L, Vispa, A, Paoli, M, Bigotti, A, Saracini, A, Ghavami, N, Ghavami, M, Raspa, G and Duranti, M (2019). Evaluation of Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves in a Microwave Apparatus for Breast Lesions Detection. PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium. Rome, Italy 17 - 20 Jun 2019

Phase-weighted UWB Imaging through Huygens Principle
Tiberi, G, Khalesi, B, Sohani, B, Ghavami, N, Dudley, S and Ghavami, M (2019). Phase-weighted UWB Imaging through Huygens Principle. PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium. Rome, Italy 17 - 20 Jun 2019

Microwave imaging for stroke detection: validation on head-mimicking phantom
Sohani, B, Tiberi, G, Ghavami, N, Ghavami, M, Dudley, S and Rahimi, A (2019). Microwave imaging for stroke detection: validation on head-mimicking phantom. PIERS (hotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium). Rome, Italy 17 - 20 Jun 2019

UWB Device for Microwave Imaging: Validation through Phantoms
Ghavami, M, Vispa, A, Sani, L, Paoli, M, Bigotti, A, Raspa, G, Ghavami, N and Tiberi, G (2019). UWB Device for Microwave Imaging: Validation through Phantoms. 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation. Krakow, Poland 31 Mar - 05 Apr 2019

Signature Inspired Home Environments Monitoring System Using IR-UWB Technology
Rana, S., Dey, M., Ghavami, M. and Dudley-Mcevoy, S. (2019). Signature Inspired Home Environments Monitoring System Using IR-UWB Technology. Sensors. 19 (2), p. 385.

UWB orthogonal pulse design using Sturm–Liouville boundary value problem
Amini, A., Mohajerin Esfahani, P., Ghavami, M. and Marvasti, F. (2019). UWB orthogonal pulse design using Sturm–Liouville boundary value problem. Signal Processing. 159 (2019), pp. 147-158.

A new design for cubic spatially processed wideband arrays
Ghavami, M. (2019). A new design for cubic spatially processed wideband arrays. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing.

Novel microwave apparatus for breast lesions detection: Preliminary clinical results
Sani, L., Ghavami, N., Vispa, A., Paoli, M., Raspa, G., Ghavami, M., Sacchetti, F., Vannini, E., Ercolani, S., Saracini, A., Duranti, M. and Tiberi, G. (2019). Novel microwave apparatus for breast lesions detection: Preliminary clinical results. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 52, pp. 257-263.

Machine Learning Approaches for Automated Lesion Detection in Microwave Breast Imaging Clinical Data
Rana, S., Dey, M., Tiberi, G., Sani, L., Vispa, A., Raspa, G., Duranti, M., Ghavami, M. and Dudley-Mcevoy, S. (2019). Machine Learning Approaches for Automated Lesion Detection in Microwave Breast Imaging Clinical Data. Scientific Reports. 9, p. 10510.

UWB device for breast microwave imaging: phantom and clinical validations
Vispa, A., Sani, L., Paoli, M., Bigotti, A., Raspa, G., Ghavami, N., Caschera, S., Ghavami, M., Duranti, M. and Tiberi, G. (2019). UWB device for breast microwave imaging: phantom and clinical validations. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation. 146, pp. 582-589.

Skin Cancer Detection through Microwaves: Validation on Phantom Measurements
Ghavami, M, Ghavami, N, Khalesi, B, Tiberi, G and Dudley, S (2018). Skin Cancer Detection through Microwaves: Validation on Phantom Measurements. IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST 2018). Krakow, Poland 16 - 18 Oct 2018

A Novel Design of UHF RFID Passive Tag Antenna Targeting Smart Cards Limited Area
Riaz, M, Rymar, G, Ghavami, M and Dudley, S (2018). A Novel Design of UHF RFID Passive Tag Antenna Targeting Smart Cards Limited Area. 36th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE). Las Vegas, USA 12 - 14 Jan 2018 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

A Spatially Processed 3D Wideband Adaptive Conical Array System
Ghavami, M (2017). A Spatially Processed 3D Wideband Adaptive Conical Array System. IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband ICUWB’2017. Salamanca, Spain 12 - 15 Sep 2017 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

UWB Localization Employing Supervised Learning Method
Rana, S., Dey, M., Siddiqui, H., Tiberi, G., Ghavami, M. and Dudley, S (2017). UWB Localization Employing Supervised Learning Method. IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband 2017. Salamanca, Spain 12 - 15 Sep 2017 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Equity Risk Premiums and Risk Free Rates in Modelling and Prediction of Financial Markets
Ghavami, M and Shams Dilmaghani, R (2017). Equity Risk Premiums and Risk Free Rates in Modelling and Prediction of Financial Markets. International Conference on Mathematical Finance, Statistics and Economics. Vienna, Austria 21 - 22 Jun 2017

Occupancy based household energy disaggregation using ultra wideband radar and electrical signature profiles
Brown, R., Ghavami, N., Siddiqui, H., Adjrad, M., Ghavami, M. and Dudley-Mcevoy, S. (2017). Occupancy based household energy disaggregation using ultra wideband radar and electrical signature profiles. Energy and Buildings. 141, pp. 134-141.

Huygens Principle based UWB Microwave Imaging Method for Skin Cancer Detection
Ghavami, N, Tiberi, G, Ghavami, M, Dudley, S and Lane, ME (2016). Huygens Principle based UWB Microwave Imaging Method for Skin Cancer Detection. 10th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing. Prague, Czech Republic 20 - 22 Jul 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Improving time–frequency domain sleep EEG classification via singular spectrum analysis
Mahvash Mohammadi, S., Kouchaki, S., Ghavami, M. and Sanei, S. (2016). Improving time–frequency domain sleep EEG classification via singular spectrum analysis. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 273, pp. 96-106.

Classification of awake, REM, and NREM from EEG via singular spectrum analysis
Mohammadi, SM, Enshaeifar, S, Ghavami, M and Sanei, S (2015). Classification of awake, REM, and NREM from EEG via singular spectrum analysis. International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Milan, Italy 25 - 29 Aug 2015 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

UWB power propagation for bio-medical implanted devices
Ghafari, M, Brennan, P and Ghavami, M (2015). UWB power propagation for bio-medical implanted devices. 17th International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom). Boston, MA, USA 14 - 17 Oct 2015 London South Bank University. pp. 483 - 487

A new approach for event detection using k-means clustering and neural networks.
Oladimeji, MO, Turkey, M, Ghavami, M and Dudley, S (2015). A new approach for event detection using k-means clustering and neural networks. 2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Killarney Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 1 - 5

Human Behaviour Model Combining Multiple Sensors
Liao, Z, Buchanan, K, Ghavami, N, Vastardis, N, Adjrad, M, Koch, C, Ghavami, M, Anderson, B, Yang, K, Russo, R and Dudley, S (2015). Human Behaviour Model Combining Multiple Sensors. Conference of the eceee 2015 Summer Study on energy efficiency. Presqu’île de Giens Toulon/Hyères, France 01 - 06 Jun 2015 London South Bank University.

A semantic-enhanced trajectory visual analytics for digital forensic
Liao, Z.-F., Li, Y., Peng, Y., Zhao, Y., Zhou, F.-F., Liao, Z.-N., Dudley, S. and Ghavami, M. (2015). A semantic-enhanced trajectory visual analytics for digital forensic. Journal of Visualization. 18 (2), pp. 173 - 184.

A user-centric system architecture for residential energy consumption reduction
Vastardis, N, Adjrad, M, Buchanan, K, Liao, Z, Koch, C, Russo, R, Yang, K, Ghavami, M, Anderson, B and Dudley, S (2014). A user-centric system architecture for residential energy consumption reduction. IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications. Online 12 - 14 Nov 2014 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 1-7

On the filtering of photoplethysmography signals
Awodeyi, AE, Alty, SR and Ghavami, M (2014). On the filtering of photoplethysmography signals. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering. Florida, USA. 10 - 12 Nov 2014 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 175 - 178

Median based method for baseline wander removal in photoplethysmogram signals
Awodeyi, AE, Alty, SR and Ghavami, M (2014). Median based method for baseline wander removal in photoplethysmogram signals. Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. Florida, USA. 10 - 12 Nov 2014 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 311 - 314

Experimental vital signs estimation using commercially available IR-UWB radar
Adjrad, M, Dudley, S and Ghavami, M (2014). Experimental vital signs estimation using commercially available IR-UWB radar. Radar Conference. Lille 13 - 17 Oct 2014 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Study of human being detection in an indoor environment using ultra wideband radar
Hassan Khausru, MA and Ghavami, M (2014). Study of human being detection in an indoor environment using ultra wideband radar. IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband 2014. Paris, France Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 113 - 118

Simulation study on the impact of the transmission power on the performance of routing protocols under different mobility models
Macintosh, A, FeiSiyau, M and Ghavami, M (2014). Simulation study on the impact of the transmission power on the performance of routing protocols under different mobility models. Fourth edition of the International Conference on the Innovative Computing Technology. London 13 - 15 Aug 2014 London South Bank University. pp. 185 - 190

Automatic trust calculation for service-oriented systems
Ye, B., Nekovee, M., Pervez, A. and Ghavami, M. (2014). Automatic trust calculation for service-oriented systems. IET Software. 8 (3), pp. 134 - 142.

Ultra-wideband-based multilateration technique for indoor localisation
Onalaja, O., Adjrad, M. and Ghavami, M. (2014). Ultra-wideband-based multilateration technique for indoor localisation. IET COMMUNICATIONS. 8 (10), pp. 1800 - 1809.

Signal Detection Performance of Overlapped FFT Scheme with Additional Frames Consisting of Non-continuous Samples in Indoor Environment
Uchida, S., Sato, A., Inamori, M., Sanada, Y. and Ghavami, M. (2014). Signal Detection Performance of Overlapped FFT Scheme with Additional Frames Consisting of Non-continuous Samples in Indoor Environment. Wireless Personal Communications. 79 (2), pp. 987 - 1002.