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HomeAcademic staffDr Zhihui Ye

Dr Zhihui Ye

Civil and Building Services Engineering

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I joined LSBU from University College London in 2012. I am a senior lecturer in the Division of Civil and Building Services Engineering at the School of Built Environment and Architecture. I obtained my first degree in Engineering in Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning, then completed an MSc in Energy Management, followed by a PhD in Built and Environment.

My broad research interests are in energy, the indoor environment and the operational performance of buildings. My other research interests include moisture transfer in buildings and building monitoring.

I have completed two EPSRC funded research projects and one industrial project in the field of built and environment. I have developed a thermal-dual probe to measure the moisture content of building envelopes. The development of the dual-probe and the indication that it can be successfully applied to the measurement of the moisture content of building materials in-situ is significant as it opens up the possibility of using this technique reliably in the field for an application such as monitoring the drying out of a structure post-flood. Due to the significant contribution to the field of moisture transfer analysis, the research outcome won a Carter Bronze Medal by CIBSE. Currently, I am carrying out a project titled ‘Circular Economy for the Data Centre Industry’, which is a 3-year Interreg-funded project, led by LSBU with 17 partners from European countries. I am leading the life cycle cost analysis part of the project.

I am the reviewer of CIBSE Technical Symposium and Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science.

Postgraduate Research Supervision
Mrs Engy Mohamed Samy Mohamed Mohamed ElshazlyDoctoral Research ProjectPhD

Awarded in the last 5 years
LSBU Panel Review TrainingPhD

Open University, UK

PGCert in Academic Practice

City, University of London

Research Fellow
University Colleague London

Completed research of two EPSRC research projects and one industrial project.

Energy Institute
Higher Education Academy
Prizes, awards, and accolades

Carter Bronze Medal (Aug 2006)


Finite Element Modelling to Design a Concrete Dual-Probe – An Innovative Tool for Monitoring the Drying of Concrete
Ye, Z. and Chaer, I. (2024). Finite Element Modelling to Design a Concrete Dual-Probe – An Innovative Tool for Monitoring the Drying of Concrete. Fifteen International Conference on Thermal Engineering: Theory and Applications. Tashkent, Uzbekistan 28 May - 01 Jun 2024 ICTEA: International Conference on Thermal Engineering.

Theoretical Analysis of the Power Generation of Pumping Cycle Kite Power Systems Compared to Traditional Wind Turbines in Aberdeen
Ye, Z., Chaer, I., Hartungi, R. and Ross, M (2023). Theoretical Analysis of the Power Generation of Pumping Cycle Kite Power Systems Compared to Traditional Wind Turbines in Aberdeen. Frontiers in Built Environment. 9, p. 1091068.

A Study on Modelling Energy Performance in Buildings
Ye, Z. and Guerra, T. (2023). A Study on Modelling Energy Performance in Buildings . Fourteen International Conference on Thermal Engineering: Theory and Applications. Yalova , Turkiye 25 - 27 May 2023

Accurate Metering and Billing of Ambient Loop Systems
Ye, Z. and Kvist, J. (2022). Accurate Metering and Billing of Ambient Loop Systems . International Journal of Thermofluids. 16, p. 100239.

A Study into Ambient Loop Systems and Challenges Associated with Accurate Metering and Billing of the End Users
Ye, Z. and Kvist, J. (2022). A Study into Ambient Loop Systems and Challenges Associated with Accurate Metering and Billing of the End Users. 13th International Conference on Thermal Engineering, Theory and Applications. Baku 12 - 14 Jun 2020 ICTEA: International Conference on Thermal Engineering.

An Analytical Approach in Calculation of the inductance of Single Phase Asynchronous Motor
Hartungi, R., Gomez-Agustina, L. and Ye, Z. (2021). An Analytical Approach in Calculation of the inductance of Single Phase Asynchronous Motor. International Journal of Smart Grid and Sustainable Energy Technologies (IJSGSET). 4 (1), pp. 158-162.

Comparison of the Yearly Power Generation of a Pumping Cycle Kite Power System and a Traditional Wind Turbine in Aberdeen Scotland UK
Ye, Z., Chaer, I., Hartungi, R., Lawner, H. and Ross, M. (2020). Comparison of the Yearly Power Generation of a Pumping Cycle Kite Power System and a Traditional Wind Turbine in Aberdeen Scotland UK. 13th International Conference on Thermal Engineering, Theory and Applications. Baku 12 - 14 Jun 2020