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HomeAcademic staffDr Sevan Harput
Dr Sevan Harput

Dr Sevan Harput

Electrical and Electronic Engineering (unauthenticated)

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My research aim is to develop new imaging and sensing technologies using acoustic waves at ultrasonic frequencies. Current research projects focus on high frame-rate ultrasound imaging, super-resolution methods, 3D ultrasound imaging, signal processing for biomedical imaging, ultrasound sensor modelling and development.

I have a PhD in Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Leeds. As a research fellow, I worked on the development of new transducer technologies and ultra-fast ultrasound imaging. In 2016, I worked at Imperial College London and King’s College London (visiting researcher) on 2D and 3D ultrasound super-resolution imaging, as a postdoctoral researcher. In 2019, I joined LSBU.

I lead the SPE3D (/speed/) Ultrasound research lab:

I am the head of the South Bank Applied BioEngineering Research (SABER):

Awards and Grants: Total value of over £1.2M as a PI, Co-I and Co-I researcher (£163k as PI) from funding bodies, such as EPSRC, Royal Society and GCRF, and industry.

Industrial Consultancy: Total value of £70k as a consultant and lead-consultant. Project partners include Dragerwerk AG, Clinical Technology Ltd., Tribosonics and Plexus Corp.

Patent: Co-Inventor of "Apparatus and method for manipulating entrained particles".

Courses taught

Electrical and Electronic Engineering - BEng (Hons)

Electrical and Electronic Engineering - MSc

Postgraduate Research Supervision
Mr Mishal AlfadhlyAcoustic analysis technology to detect pressurized nuclear waste storage containers PhD
Mr Jerome Alexander Graves3D imaging of ice cores using ultrasoundPhD
Ms Fenja Benita DeisterDoctoral Research ProjectPhD
Miss Maryam DorvashiDual-modality cancer therapy with ultrasound and microwaves using nanodropletsPhD
Mr Hossam Hassan Sultan AbdelreheemCortical Bone Assessment with Ultrafast Ultrasound Technology PhD

Awarded in the last 5 years
Epigeum Supervisory TrainingPhD

Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Leeds, UK.


Electronics Eng. and Computer Sci., Sabanci University, Turkey.


Microelectronics Engineering, Sabanci University, Turkey.

Research Associate
Imperial College London

• EPSRC Project: Super-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging

• Generated the first clinical ultrasound super-resolution image using microbubbles for the diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease in collaboration with St. Thomas’ Hospital [16].

• Led the 2D ultrasound sparse array project for a year with a budget of £25k.

• Designed and fabricated a 3D ultrasound imaging probe. Integrated the probe with a high-speed ultrasound system, implemented RF beamforming, and constructed 3D super-resolution images.

• Wrote the follow-up EPSRC grant proposal on “Fast 3D Super-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging”.

• Established academic collaborations with University of Florence and KU Leuven through laboratory visits and joint experiments on 3D ultrasound imaging resulting in publications.

Research Fellow
University of Leeds

• EPSRC Project: Sound Bullets for Enhanced Biomedical Ultrasound Systems

• Delivered a key project milestone by designing and fabricating a nonlinear acoustic lens with resonant granular chains for precise control of ultrasonic pulses in therapy.

• Created an analytical model to simulate ultrasound wave propagation and coupling in granular chains in collaboration with University of Warwick and University College London [15].

• Managed the laboratory budget of £50k for 3 years for a research group of 10-15 members.

EPSRC UK Image-Guided Therapies Network
Therapeutic Ultrasound Network for Drug Delivery and Ablation Research (THUNDDAR)
EPSRC UK Acoustics Network (UKAN)

Associate editor
Frontiers in Acoustics

Frontiers in Acoustics on the Editorial Board of Ultrasound Technologies (Review Editor)

Editorial/Advisory Board Member
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology
University of Florence

Design of the 2D ultrasound sparse array project. Research collaboration and joint publications in ultrasound imaging.

September 2020
University of Leeds

High frame rate ultrasound imaging system UARP-II for medical imaging.Research collaboration and joint publications in high-frame rate ultrasound imaging.

July 2019
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control

Associate Editor

Non-education public sector
Prizes, awards, and accolades

Featured article on Applied Physics Letters (Aug 2023)

AIP Publishing

Our research article is published as part of the special issue on Fundamentals and Applications of Metamaterials: Breaking the Limits.

ULTRA (Jan 2014)

University of Leeds

University of Leeds Teaching and Research Award (ULTRA). Assessed and awarded by an internal and an external committee according to “Researcher Development Framework” and “Leadership and Management Standard”.

Reach and Impact

Jul 2023

Royal Society's Summer Science Exhibition 2023.

Presented our work on fabella to public with thousands of attendees and screened 147 volunteers with ultrasound scanner.

Jun 2023

Construction Youth Trust Pre-university Student Engagement.

Visited South Bank UTC and hosted Islington College students at LSBU while demonstrating our teaching and research activities.

Sep 2021


We packed and shipped over 45 boxes for EEE students at level 6 and 7. By using the LAB-in-a-BOX, it will be possible to do the labs from home and get real hands on experience during Covid.

Feb 2020

Invited Seminar at The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London, on “Super-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging with Microbubbles: Challenges and Opportunities”

A Consensus Mechanism to Improve Prediction of Cortical Bone Properties using Ultrafast Ultrasound Acquisition
Abdelreheem, H., Grisan, E., Dryburgh, P., Peralta, L. and Harput, S. (2024). A Consensus Mechanism to Improve Prediction of Cortical Bone Properties using Ultrafast Ultrasound Acquisition. IEEE Access.

Determining the grain geometry from ultrasonic measurements of large-grained temperate ice cores
Graves, J., Lishman, B. and Harput, S. (2023). Determining the grain geometry from ultrasonic measurements of large-grained temperate ice cores. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS.

Investigation of Ultrasonically Levitated Droplets for Sonochemistry with High-Speed Camera Observations
Aldahi, M., Khaheshi Hasankiadeh, A., Saif, N.B., Vasconez, J.F.Pr., Rajabi, H. and Harput, S. (2023). Investigation of Ultrasonically Levitated Droplets for Sonochemistry with High-Speed Camera Observations. 2023 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Montreal, QC, Canada 03 - 08 Sep 2023 IEEE.

Cortical Bone Thickness Assessment from Multi-frequency Ultrasound RF Data using a Convolutional Architecture with Multi-head Attention
Sultan, H.H., Grisan, E., Dryburgh, P., Peralta, L. and Harput, S. (2023). Cortical Bone Thickness Assessment from Multi-frequency Ultrasound RF Data using a Convolutional Architecture with Multi-head Attention. 2023 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Montreal, QC, Canada 03 - 08 Sep 2023 IEEE.

Nanodroplet-Based Super-Resolution Ultrasound Localization Microscopy
Zhang, G., Liao, C., Hu, J., Hu, H., Lei, Y., Harput, S. and Ye, H. (2023). Nanodroplet-Based Super-Resolution Ultrasound Localization Microscopy. ACS Sensors. 8 (9), pp. 3294-3306.

A human ear-inspired ultrasonic transducer (HEUT) for 3D localization of sub-wavelength scatterers
Nie, L., Toulemonde, M., Tang, M., Freear, S. and Harput, S. (2023). A human ear-inspired ultrasonic transducer (HEUT) for 3D localization of sub-wavelength scatterers. Applied Physics Letters. 123 (8).

A Human Ear-inspired Ultrasonic Transducer (HEUT) for 3-D Localization of Sub-wavelength Scatterers
Nie, L., Toulemonde, M., Tang, M-X., Freear, S. and Harput, S. (2023). A Human Ear-inspired Ultrasonic Transducer (HEUT) for 3-D Localization of Sub-wavelength Scatterers. Applied Physics Letters.

Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging for the Differential Diagnosis of Thyroid Nodules: A Pilot Study
Zhang, G., Yu, J., Lei, Y-M., Hu, J-R., Hu, H-M., Harput, S., Guo, Z., Cui, X-W. and Ye, H.R. (2022). Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging for the Differential Diagnosis of Thyroid Nodules: A Pilot Study. Frontiers in Oncology.

Estimation of Cortical Bone Strength Using CNN-based Regression Model
Sultan, Hossam H., Grisan, E., Peralta, L. and Harput, S. (2022). Estimation of Cortical Bone Strength Using CNN-based Regression Model. 2022 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Venice, Italy 10 - 13 Oct 2022 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Classification of Cortical Bone Thicknesses Based on RF Signal Spectral Analysis
Sultan, H.H., Grisan, E., Peralta, L. and Harput, S. (2022). Classification of Cortical Bone Thicknesses Based on RF Signal Spectral Analysis. 2022 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Venice, Italy 10 - 13 Oct 2022 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

3D Localization of Scatterers with a Spiral-Shaped Acoustic Lens
Nie, L., Toulemonde, M., Tang, M-X., Freear, S. and Harput, S. (2022). 3D Localization of Scatterers with a Spiral-Shaped Acoustic Lens. 2022 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Venice, Italy 10 - 13 Oct 2022 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging for the Differentiation of Thyroid Nodules: A Feasibility Study
Zhang, G., Vu, J., Lei, Y-M., Hu, J-R., Hu, H-M., Harput, S., Guo, Z-Z., Cui, X-W. and Ye, H-R. (2022). Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging for the Differentiation of Thyroid Nodules: A Feasibility Study. 2022 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Venice, Italy 10 - 13 Oct 2022 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Super-Resolution Ultrasound Localization Microscopy of Microvascular Structure and Flow for Distinguishing Metastatic Lymph Nodes – An Initial Human Study
Zhu, J., Zhang, C., Christensen-Jeffries, K., Zhang, G., Harput, S., Dunsby, C., Huang, P. and Tang, M. (2022). Super-Resolution Ultrasound Localization Microscopy of Microvascular Structure and Flow for Distinguishing Metastatic Lymph Nodes – An Initial Human Study. Ultraschall in der Medizin - European Journal of Ultrasound.

3D Super Localized Flow with Locally and Acoustically Activated Nanodroplets and High Frame Rate Imaging Using a Matrix Array
Harput, S (2020). 3D Super Localized Flow with Locally and Acoustically Activated Nanodroplets and High Frame Rate Imaging Using a Matrix Array. IEEE IUS. ONLINE 07 - 11 Sep 2020

Detecting and Characterizing the Fabella with High Frame-Rate Ultrasound Imaging
Berthaume, M, Grisan, E and Harput, S (2020). Detecting and Characterizing the Fabella with High Frame-Rate Ultrasound Imaging. IEEE IUS. Online 07 - 11 Sep 2020

Quantitative Microvessel Analysis with 3D Super-Resolution Ultrasound and Velocity Mapping
Harput, S (2020). Quantitative Microvessel Analysis with 3D Super-Resolution Ultrasound and Velocity Mapping. IEEE IUS. Online 07 - 11 Sep 2020

Localization of a Scatterer in 3D with a Single Measurement and Single Element Transducer
Harput, S (2020). Localization of a Scatterer in 3D with a Single Measurement and Single Element Transducer. IEEE IUS. Online 07 - 11 Sep 2020

Effect of Mechanical Index on Repeated Sparse Activation of Nanodroplets in Vivo
Harput, S (2020). Effect of Mechanical Index on Repeated Sparse Activation of Nanodroplets in Vivo. IEEE IUS. Online 07 - 11 Sep 2020

High frame rate tri-plane echocardiography with spiral arrays: from simulation to real-time implementation
Ramalli, A., Harput, S., Bizy, S., Boni, E., Eckersley, R.J., Tortoli, P. and D'hooge, J. (2019). High frame rate tri-plane echocardiography with spiral arrays: from simulation to real-time implementation. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 67 (1).

Activation and 3D Imaging of Phase-change Nanodroplet Contrast Agents with a 2D Ultrasound Probe
Harput, S, Zhang, G, Toulemonde, M, Zhu, J, Christensen-Jeffries, K, Brown, J, Eckersley, RJ, Dunsby, C and Tang, MX (2019). Activation and 3D Imaging of Phase-change Nanodroplet Contrast Agents with a 2D Ultrasound Probe. 2019 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). 06 - 09 Oct 2019 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Super resolution ultrasound image filtering with machine learning to reduce the localization error
Harput, S., Fong, L.H., Stanziola, A., Zhang, G., Toulemonde, M., Zhou, J., Christensen-Jeffries, K., Brown, J., Eckersley, R., Grisan, E., Dunsby, C. and Tang, M. (2019). Super resolution ultrasound image filtering with machine learning to reduce the localization error. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium 2019. Glasgow 09 2009 - 06 Oct 2019 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Photoacoustic Super-Resolution Imaging using Laser Activation of Low-Boiling-Point Dye-Coated Nanodroplets in vitro and in vivo
Zhang, G, Dunsby, C, Bamber, J, Tang, MX, Harput, S, Shah, A, Hernandez-Gil, J, Zhu, J, Christensen-Jeffries, K, Brown, J, Long, NJ and Eckersley, RJ (2019). Photoacoustic Super-Resolution Imaging using Laser Activation of Low-Boiling-Point Dye-Coated Nanodroplets in vitro and in vivo. 2019 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). 06 - 09 Oct 2019 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Minimization of Nanodroplet Activation Time using Focused-Pulses for Droplet-Based Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging
Zhang, G, Harput, S, Zhu, J, Christensen-Jeffries, K, Brown, J, Leow, CH, Dunsby, C, Eckersley, RJ and Tang, MX (2019). Minimization of Nanodroplet Activation Time using Focused-Pulses for Droplet-Based Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging. 2019 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). 06 - 09 Oct 2019 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Acoustic Wave Sparsely-Activated Localization Microscopy (AWSALM): In Vivo Fast Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging using Nanodroplets
Zhang, G, Weinberg, P, Dunsby, C, Tang, MX, Harput, S, Toulemonde, M, Broughton-Venner, J, Zhu, J, Riemer, K, Christensen-Jeffries, K, Brown, J and Eckersley, RJ (2019). Acoustic Wave Sparsely-Activated Localization Microscopy (AWSALM): In Vivo Fast Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging using Nanodroplets. 2019 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). 06 - 09 Oct 2019 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

3-D Super-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging with a 2-D Sparse Array
Harput, S., Christensen-Jeffries, K., Ramalli, A., Brown, J., Zhu, J., Zhang, G., Leow, C-H., Toulemonde, M., Boni, E., Tortoli, P., Eckersley, R.J., Dunsby, C. and Tang, M-X. (2019). 3-D Super-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging with a 2-D Sparse Array. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 67 (2), pp. 269-277.

High frame rate contrast enhanced ultrasound imaging for slow flow: influence of ultrasound pressure and flow rate on bubble disruption and image persistence
Zhu, J., Lin, S., Leow, C.H., Rowland, E.M., Riemer, K., Harput, S., Weinberg, P.D. and Tang, M-X. (2019). High frame rate contrast enhanced ultrasound imaging for slow flow: influence of ultrasound pressure and flow rate on bubble disruption and image persistence. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 45 (9), pp. 2456-2470.

Poisson Statistical Model of Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging Acquisition Time
Christensen-Jeffries, K., Brown, J., Harput, S., Zhang, G., Zhu, J., Tang, M-X., Dunsby, C. and Eckersley, R.J. (2019). Poisson Statistical Model of Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging Acquisition Time. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control.

3D Super-Resolution US Imaging of Rabbit Lymph Node Vasculature in Vivo by Using Microbubbles
Zhu, J., Rowland, E.M., Harput, S., Riemer, K., Leow, C.H., Clark, B., Lim, A., Christensen-Jeffries K, Zhang, G., Brown, J., Dunsby, C., Eckerslet, R.J., Weinberg, P.D. and Tang, M.X (2019). 3D Super-Resolution US Imaging of Rabbit Lymph Node Vasculature in Vivo by Using Microbubbles. Radiology. 291 (3), pp. 642-650.

Fast acoustic wave sparsely activated localization microscopy (fast-AWSALM): ultrasound super-resolution using plane-wave activation of nanodroplets
Zhang, G., Harput, S., Hu, H., Christensen-Jeffries, K., Zhu, J., Brown, J., Leow, C.H., Eckersley, R., Dunsby, R. and Tang, M-X. (2019). Fast acoustic wave sparsely activated localization microscopy (fast-AWSALM): ultrasound super-resolution using plane-wave activation of nanodroplets. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 66 (6), pp. 1039-1046.

New Denoising Unsharp Masking Method for Improved Intima Media Thickness Measurements with Active Contour Segmentation
Moubark, A.M., Cowell, D.M.J., Harput, S. and Freear, S. (2018). New Denoising Unsharp Masking Method for Improved Intima Media Thickness Measurements with Active Contour Segmentation. 2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Kobe, Japan 22 - 25 Oct 2018 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

3-D motion correction for volumetric super-resolution ultrasound (SR-US) imaging
Harput, S., Christensen-Jeffries, K, Brown, J., Zhu, J., Zhang, G., Eckersley, R.J., Dunsby C. and Tang, M. (2018). 3-D motion correction for volumetric super-resolution ultrasound (SR-US) imaging. 2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Kobe, Japan 22 - 25 Oct 2018 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Investigation of Microbubble Detection Methods for Super-Resolution Imaging of Microvasculature
Brown, J., Christensen-Jeffries, K., Harput, S., Zhang, G., Zhu, J., Dunsby, C., Tang, M-X. and Eckersley, R.J. (2019). Investigation of Microbubble Detection Methods for Super-Resolution Imaging of Microvasculature. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 66 (4), pp. 676-691.

3D in Vitro Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging Using a Clinical System
Christensen-Jeffries, K, Harput, S., Brown, J., Zhang, G., Zhu, J., Tang, M.X., Dunsby, C. and Eckersley, R. (2018). 3D in Vitro Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging Using a Clinical System. 2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Kobe, Japan 22 - 25 Oct 2018 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Fast Acoustic Wave Sparsely Activated Localization Microscopy (Fast-AWSALM) Using Octafluoropropane N Anodroplets
Zhang, G., Harput, S., Hu, H., Christensen-Jeffries K, Zhu, J., Brown, J., Leow, C.H., Dunsby, C., Eckersley, R.J. and Tang, M.X. (2018). Fast Acoustic Wave Sparsely Activated Localization Microscopy (Fast-AWSALM) Using Octafluoropropane N Anodroplets. 2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Kobe, Japan 22 - 25 Oct 2018 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Development of Simultaneous Optical Imaging and Super-Resolution Ultrasound to Improve Microbubble Localization Accuracy
Harput, S. (2018). Development of Simultaneous Optical Imaging and Super-Resolution Ultrasound to Improve Microbubble Localization Accuracy. 2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Kobe, Japan 22 - 25 Oct 2018 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

3D Ultrasound Image Guidance and Therapy Through the Rib Cage with a Therapeutic Random Phased Array
Zubair, M., Harput, S. and Dickinson, R. J. (2018). 3D Ultrasound Image Guidance and Therapy Through the Rib Cage with a Therapeutic Random Phased Array. 2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Kobe, Japan 22 - 25 Oct 2018 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

3-D super-resolution ultrasound (SR-US) imaging using a 2-D sparse array with high volumetric imaging rate
Harput, S., Christensen-Jeffries, K., Brown, J., Zhu, J., Zhang, G., Leow, C.H., Toulemonde, M., Ramalli, A., Boni, E., Tortoli, P., Eckersley, R.J., Dunsby, C. and Tang, M. (2018). 3-D super-resolution ultrasound (SR-US) imaging using a 2-D sparse array with high volumetric imaging rate. 2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Kobe, Japan 22 - 25 Oct 2018 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Acoustic wave sparsely-activated localization microscopy (AWSALM): super-resolution ultrasound imaging using acoustic activation and deactivation of nanodroplets
Zhang, G., Harput, S., Lin, S., Christensen-Jeffries, K, Leow, C.H., Brown, J., Dunsby, C., Eckersley, R. and Tang, M. (2018). Acoustic wave sparsely-activated localization microscopy (AWSALM): super-resolution ultrasound imaging using acoustic activation and deactivation of nanodroplets. Applied Physics Letters. 113.

Combining Acoustic Trapping with Plane Wave Imaging for Localized Microbubble Accumulation in Large Vessels
Nie, L., Harput, S., Cowell, D.M.J., Carpenter, T.M., Mclaughlan, J.R. and Freear, S. (2018). Combining Acoustic Trapping with Plane Wave Imaging for Localized Microbubble Accumulation in Large Vessels. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 65 (7), pp. 1193-1204.

Two-stage motion correction for super-resolution ultrasound imaging in human lower limb
Harput, S., Christensen-Jeffries, K., Brown, J., Yuanwei, L., Williams, K.J., Davies, A.H., Eckersley, R., Dunsby, C.W. and Tang, M. (2018). Two-stage motion correction for super-resolution ultrasound imaging in human lower limb. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 65 (5), pp. 803-814.

Ultrasound Super-Resolution with Microbubble Contrast Agents
Harput, S., Christensen-Jeffries, K, Brown, J., Eckersley, R.J., Dunsby, C. and Tan, M-X. (2017). Ultrasound Super-Resolution with Microbubble Contrast Agents. IEEE SENSORS. Glasgow, UK 29 Oct - 01 Nov 2017 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Generation of ultrasound pulses in water using granular chains with a finite matching layer
Harput, S., McLaughlan, J., Cowell, D.M.J., Gelat, P., Saffari, N., Yang, J., Akanji, O., Thomas, P.J, Hutchins, D.A. and Freear, S. (2017). Generation of ultrasound pulses in water using granular chains with a finite matching layer. Physical Review Applied. 8 (054032).

Elevation resolution enhancement in 3D photoacoustic imaging using FDMAS beamforming
Alshaya, A., Harput, S., Cowell, D.M.J., Carpenter, T., McLaughlan, J. and Freear, S. (2017). Elevation resolution enhancement in 3D photoacoustic imaging using FDMAS beamforming. 2017 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Washington, DC, USA 06 - 09 Sep 2019 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Acoustic microbubble trapping in blood mimicking fluid
Nie, L., Harput, S., McLaughlan, J.R., Cowell, D.M.J., Carpenter, T. and Freear, S. (2017). Acoustic microbubble trapping in blood mimicking fluid. 2017 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Washington, DC, USA 06 - 09 Sep 2019 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Two Stage Sub-Wavelength Motion Correction in Human Microvasculature for CEUS Imaging
Harput, S., Christensen-Jeffries, K., Li, Y., Brown, J., Eckersley, R.J., Dunsby, C. and Tang, M-X. (2017). Two Stage Sub-Wavelength Motion Correction in Human Microvasculature for CEUS Imaging. 2017 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Washington, DC, USA 06 - 09 Sep 2019 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Localisation of Multiple Non-Isolated Microbubbles with Frequency Decomposition in Super-Resolution Imaging
Harput, S., Christensen-Jeffries, K., Brown, J., Eckersley, R.J., Dunsby, C. and Tang, M-X. (2017). Localisation of Multiple Non-Isolated Microbubbles with Frequency Decomposition in Super-Resolution Imaging. 2017 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Washington, DC, USA 06 - 09 Sep 2019 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

New improved unsharp masking methods compatible with ultrasound B-mode imaging
Moubark, AM, Carpenter, TM, Cowell, DMJ, Harput, S and Freear, S (2017). New improved unsharp masking methods compatible with ultrasound B-mode imaging. 2017 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). 06 - 09 Sep 2017 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

High frame rate contrast enhanced ultrasound imaging of lymphatic vessel phantom
Zhu, J, Lin, S, Harput, S, Toulemonde, M, Leow, CH and Tang, MX (2017). High frame rate contrast enhanced ultrasound imaging of lymphatic vessel phantom. 2017 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). 06 - 09 Sep 2017 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Microbubble Axial Localization Errors in Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging
Christensen-Jeffries, K, Harput, S., Brown, J., Wells, P.N.T., Aljabar, P., Dunsby, C.W., Tang, M. and Eckersley, R.J. (2017). Microbubble Axial Localization Errors in Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 64 (11), p. 2017.

The dynamic excitation of a granular chain: Contact mechanics finite element analysis and experimental validation
Gélat, P, Yang, J., Akanji, O., Thomas, P.J., Hutchins, D., Harput, S., Freear, S. and Saffari, N. (2017). The dynamic excitation of a granular chain: Contact mechanics finite element analysis and experimental validation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.

An adaptive array excitation scheme for the unidirectional enhancement of guided waves
Adams, C., Harput, S., Cowell, D., Carpenter, T.M., Charutz, D.M. and Freear, S. (2016). An adaptive array excitation scheme for the unidirectional enhancement of guided waves. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 64 (2), pp. 441-451.

A phase velocity filter for the measurement of lamb wave dispersion
Adams, C., Harput, S., Cowell, D. and Freear, S. (2017). A phase velocity filter for the measurement of lamb wave dispersion. 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Tours, France 18 - 21 Sep 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Performance of Switched Mode Arbitrary Excitation using Harmonic Reduction Pulse Width Modulation (HRPWM) in Array Imaging Applications
Cowell, D.M.J., Carpenter, T., Smith, P., Adams, C., Harput, S. and Freear, S. (2016). Performance of Switched Mode Arbitrary Excitation using Harmonic Reduction Pulse Width Modulation (HRPWM) in Array Imaging Applications. 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Tours, France 18 - 21 Sep 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Velocity estimation error reduction in stenosis areas using a correlation correction method
Nie, L., Harput, S., Cowell, D.M.J. and Freear, S. (2016). Velocity estimation error reduction in stenosis areas using a correlation correction method. 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Tours, France 18 - 21 Sep 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Clutter noise reduction in B-Mode image through mapping and clustering signal energy for better cyst classification
Moubark, A.M., Harput, S., Cowell, D.M.J. and Freear, S. (2016). Clutter noise reduction in B-Mode image through mapping and clustering signal energy for better cyst classification. 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Tours, France 18 - 21 Sep 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Plane wave imaging challenge
Moubark, A.M., Harput, S. and Cowell, D.M.J. (2016). Plane wave imaging challenge. 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Tours, France 18 - 21 Sep 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Enhancement of contrast and resolution of B-mode plane wave imaging (PWI) with non-linear filtered delay multiply and sum (FDMAS) beamforming
Moubark, A.M., Alomari, Z., Harput, S., Cowell, D.M.J. and Freear, S. (2016). Enhancement of contrast and resolution of B-mode plane wave imaging (PWI) with non-linear filtered delay multiply and sum (FDMAS) beamforming. 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Tours, France 18 - 21 Sep 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Improved shear wave-front reconstruction method by aligning imaging beam angles with shear-wave polarization: Applied for shear compounding application
Hyder, S., Harput, S., Alomari, Z., Cowell, D.M.J., McLaughlan, J. and Freear, S. (2016). Improved shear wave-front reconstruction method by aligning imaging beam angles with shear-wave polarization: Applied for shear compounding application. 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Tours, France 18 - 21 Sep 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Simultaneous trapping and imaging of microbubbles at clinically relevant flow rates
Harput, S., Nie, L., Cowell, D.M.J., Carpenter, T., Raiton, B., McLaughlan, J. and Freear, S. (2016). Simultaneous trapping and imaging of microbubbles at clinically relevant flow rates. 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Tours, France 18 - 21 Sep 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Coupling of wideband impulses generated by granular chains into liquids for biomedical applications
Harput, S., Freear, S., Gelat, P., Saffari, N., Yang, J., Akanji, O., Thomas, P.J. and Hutchins, D.A. (2016). Coupling of wideband impulses generated by granular chains into liquids for biomedical applications. 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Tours, France 18 - 21 Sep 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Spatial Resolution and Contrast Enhancement in Photoacoustic Imaging with Filter Delay Multiply and Sum Beamforming Technique
Alshaya, A., Harput, S., Moubark, A.M., Cowell, D.M.J., McLaughlan, J. and Freear, S. (2016). Spatial Resolution and Contrast Enhancement in Photoacoustic Imaging with Filter Delay Multiply and Sum Beamforming Technique. 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Tours, France 18 - 21 Sep 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Specimen-agnostic guided wave inspection using recursive feedback
Adams, C., Harput, S., Cowell, D., Freear, S. and Charutz, D.M. (2016). Specimen-agnostic guided wave inspection using recursive feedback. 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Tours, France 18 - 21 Sep 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Characterisation of Liposome-Loaded Microbubble Populations for Subharmonic Imaging
McLaughlan, J.R., Harput, S., Abou-Saleh, R.H., Payman, S.A., Evans, S. and Freear, S. (2016). Characterisation of Liposome-Loaded Microbubble Populations for Subharmonic Imaging. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 43 (1), pp. 346-356.

Analysis of solitary wave impulses in granular chains using ultrasonic excitation
Yang, J., Hutchins, D.A., Akanji, O., Thomas, P.J., Davis, L.A.J., Harput, S., Gelat, P., Freear, S. and Saffari, N. (2016). Analysis of solitary wave impulses in granular chains using ultrasonic excitation. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 93 (063001).

The Effect of Boundary Conditions on Resonant Ultrasonic Spherical Chains
Akanji, O, Yang, J., Hutchins, D., Thomas, P.J., Davis, L.A.J., Harput, S., Freear, S., Gelat, P.N. and Saffari, N. (2016). The Effect of Boundary Conditions on Resonant Ultrasonic Spherical Chains. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 63 (11), pp. 1957-1966.

The dynamic excitation of a granular chain for biomedical ultrasound applications: contact mechanics finite element analysis and validation
Gelat, P., Yang, J., Thomas, P.J., Hutchins, D.A., Akanji, O., Davis, L.A.J., Freear, S., Harput, S. and Saffari, N. (2016). The dynamic excitation of a granular chain for biomedical ultrasound applications: contact mechanics finite element analysis and validation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 684 (1).

Ultrasonic propagation in finite-length granular chains
Hutchins, D.A., Yang, J., Akanji, O., Thomas, P.J., Davis, L.A.J., Freear, S., Harput, S., Saffari, N. and Gelat, P. (2015). Ultrasonic propagation in finite-length granular chains. Ultrasonics. 69, pp. 215-223.

Contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging with chirps: Signal processing and pulse compression
Harput, S., McLaughlan, J., Cowell, D. and Freear, S. (2015). Contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging with chirps: Signal processing and pulse compression. 2015 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). Taipei, Taiwan 21 Oct - 24 Nov 2015

Superharmonic imaging with chirp coded excitation: filtering spectrally overlapped harmonics
Harput, S., McLaughlan, J. and Cowell, D. M. J. (2014). Superharmonic imaging with chirp coded excitation: filtering spectrally overlapped harmonics. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 61 (11), pp. 1802-1814.

Ultrasonic Phased Array Device for Acoustic Imaging in Air
Harput, S. and Bozkurt, A. (2008). Ultrasonic Phased Array Device for Acoustic Imaging in Air. IEEE Sensors Journal. 8 (11), pp. 1755 - 1762.